Het tableau is bijna klaar, de tegels worden uitgelegd en bewonderd door de hele groep.
Het tableau is bijna klaar, de tegels worden uitgelegd en bewonderd door de hele groep.

Scoren met kunst/Score with art, an art project with clients of the Brijder foundation (addiction care) in Zaandam. A concept in collaboration with Jacomijn Schellevis and commissioned by De Brijder foundation/ Scoren met werk in Zaandam with special thanks to Else Dam.

The primary goal was to offer clients a challenging assignment that would excite and stimulate. This was deliberately programmed alongside the Scoren met werk/Scrore with labour project because our project tapped more into the creativity and individuality of the clients. They were able to express something of their own and were seen and positively noticed.

We worked with a group of “heavy” to less heavy addicts and former addicts and the engagement of the group grew from week to week.

The project consisted of a number of painting workshops (with a final goal of an exhibition) and a tiling project, where we worked with the participants to create a design consisting of 196 sidewalk tiles. These tiles were embossed and consisted of different colors. All tiles were handmade during the project. The tile tableau was donated to the municipality of Zaandam and was placed on the main street the Gedempte Gracht, in the center of Zaandam.

Zaanstadjournaal:scorenmetkunst 2016-09-02 om 13.36.24 copy
De schilderclub: o.a; Henk Ronnie, Memmet en Ludwig.
De schilderclub: o.a; Henk Ronnie, Memmet en Ludwig.
Het tegel project: de speciale mix gaat in de mallen.
Het tegel project: de speciale mix gaat in de mallen.
De tegels zijn grotendeels klaar en worden uitgelegd. Rechts; het schetsontwerp.
De tegels zijn grotendeels klaar en worden uitgelegd door Else Dam die ons bij de Brijder stichting heeft geïntroduceerd. Rechts; het schetsontwerp.