Sweat Shopping _ Liselotte Schut & Marit Otto
Sweat Shopping

Exhibition Sweat Shopping – As a member of the National Artists’ Association de Ploegh, together with colleague and fellow member, Louise de Vries Lentsch, I initiated and organised an exhibition entitled Sweat Shopping

Location Gallery de Ploegh

Exploitation, exploitation, child labour and slavery; it no longer suits a modern society. Has this exploitation disappeared or have we given it a different face?

Sweat Shopping - Inconvienient 2018
Sweat Shopping – Inconvienient 2018

I wanted to confront and question the creator and the viewer. Six Ploegh artists investigated and depicted the discrepancy between flourishing economy versus the associated exploitation.

With this visually stimulating exhibition, we wanted to spark a discussion on this fraught subject. Every change, big or small, starts with an observation.

Sweat Shopping - Linda Verkaik
Sweat Shopping – Linda Verkaik