Commissioned by: Dominicanen Klooster, Zwolle Location: Dominicanen Klooster, Zwolle
Apart from her metal frame and 3D prints of the face and hands, the Climate Madonna is made entirely of collected waste, mostly plastic. She is a statement against disposable culture and the waste problem. My commissioner Kirsten Notten of The Dominican Monastery Zwolle asked me to make a Madonna/Maria out of waste. The iconic primal mother would serve as a unifying symbol for climate change and waste issues.
On Saturday, March 24, 2018, Earth Hour, Climate Madonna was unveiled at the Dominican Monastery followed by a procession. Here she was accompanied by the friars, lay brothers, pastor, Dominicans, musicians, torchbearers, donkeys and audience with the final destination being the Grote Kerkplein, Zwolle. Afterwards she traveled to various other parishes and houses of worship.
This evening she was the symbol for the climate problem and the plastic surplus in the world! She represents for some the Virgin Mary and for others the Mother Earth, Gaia.
During the period I worked on the Madonna, a number of workshops and lectures also took place, in the monastery and at various elementary schools.
See alsoThe making of
See also video and photo image report below:
Special Thanx to: Kirsten Notten, the Dominicans. broeders, lay friars , Ontwerp fabriek Cibap, Ellen Bosman, Ewoud Verselst, stagiares Damien Eektimmerman en Freek Pruntel, vollunteers: Janus Hursepuny , Erik van Scheijndel (x), Rodrigo Maori, Yvonne Nauw, alle vrijwilligers, Kloosterbende, bs Wilgenburg, bs de Wingerd.