Photography & manipulation/ Fotografie & manipulatie
Silence 05
Silence 05
Silent Green Rage - 2022- digital print op D Bond 120 x 80 cm
Silence 04- Photoprint on D-bond 2021
Not long ago a big historical Dutch retailer called V&D died an agonising slow death. It is one of many retail chains that were under siege by whatever modern times required staying vital. With the withdrawal of V&D in Zwolle where I live, a new player from Canada signed up for this huge warehouse location. No expense spared. The entire building got a facelift and this warehouse, popular as it is all over the world, would make the difference. It opened its doors in 2016 and closed her doors in 2018, a retail tragedy. The whole story is even more disturbing. Now, a lifeless huge ruin of commerce is all that is left. Spring 2020, I was invited for an exhibition called PROTO, an exhibition against the backdrop of this empty shell. For this exhibition we used only ground level. I started wandering through the building and it felt quite adventurous. I took some snapshots of this modern wasteland. We witness yet another victim of our desired but despicable ruthless neo liberalism philosophy. Resulting in this photo with this great and in this case rather ironic slogan on the wall “ There is Almost Nothing New Shoes Can’t Fix”.
Silence 02- Photoprint on D-bond 2021
Silence 03- foto op d-bond 2018
Verkocht: particulier Asnières-sur-Seine, Frankrijk
Silence 01- Photoprint on D-bond 2021
Open Doors-digital art print 1/1 2022
Het Land Der Blinden- Digitale foto bewerking - 2020
print op foam 120/ 40cm
EXID-19 - Digitale fotobewerking. 2020
Onderdeel van de Brave New World serie
Concept, for en bewerking Marit Otto
Model, figurant en vertolker: Abdi Whab Ali
Don't Shoot The Messenger. Digital Artprint- Zelfportret
Photography is at the base of many of my artistic expressions. The camera is my constant and daily travel companion. I capture everything that stands out by beauty or ugliness , simplicity or complexity, semi mundanity or exceptionality and absurdity. Most photos disappear is my archive or form a basis for a later work of art. Some photos stand on their own and others I have manipulated.
Fotografie staat aan basis van veel van mijn kunstuitingen. De camera is mijn vaste en dagelijkse reisgenoot. Ik leg alles vast wat opvalt door schoonheid of lelijkheid , eenvoud of complexiteit, semi alledaagsheid of uitzonderlijkheid en absurditeit. De meeste foto’s verdwijnen is mijn archief of vormen een basis voor een later kunstwerk. Een aantal foto’s staan op zich zelf en anderen heb ik gemanipuleerd.
Exid 19 stage 1, 2 & 3 & Exid 19 the Extended version
3 luik foto manipulatie digitaal- 70/250 cm .In co- productie met Abdi Wahab Ali* (model)- 2020
3 luik foto manipulatie digitaal- 70/250 cm .In co- productie met Abdi Wahab Ali* (model)- 2020
3 luik foto manipulatie digitaal- 70/250 cm .In co- productie met Abdi Wahab Ali* (model)- 2020
3 panel photo manipulation digital- 70/250 cm Extended version 70/750cm. In co-production with Abdi Wahab Ali as model (2020). A three panel Exid 19 and one step further ’the extended version’. The work refers to Covid 19. You can see it as the proverbial different stages we went through emotionally and physically.
3 luik foto manipulatie digitaal- 70/250 cm Extended version 70/750cm. In co- productie met Abdi Wahab Ali als model (2020). Een 3 luik Exid 19 en nog een stap verder ’the extended version’. Het werk verwijst naar Covid 19. Je kunt het zien als de spreekwoordelijke verschillende stadia waar we emotioneel en fysiek doorheen gegaan.