Most Wanted 03

From the Wild, Wild West series - Most Wanted - Ironic comment - Number stands for Followers on X
From the Wild, Wild West series – Most Wanted – Ironic comment – Number stands for Followers on X

1.500.000 followers on X
286.000 followers on Instagram
24.9M followers and ? likes on Tik Tok
469.305 vind-ik-leuks/ likes on Facebook
Won the Dutch election of 2023- with a majority of 37 seats
Election promise the strictest asylum policy ever
Asylum emergency measures bill launched
Asylum emergency measures act killed

Most wanted:
The Geert Wilders 01 case was a criminal trial conducted in 2010 and 2011 against Dutch Member of Parliament Geert Wilders, who was suspected of group insult, hate speech and incitement to discrimination, the verdict of which was complete acquittal.[1]
Criminal trial: The Geert Wilders case 02 is the second criminal trial of Dutch MP Geert Wilders, party leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), who is suspected of group insult and incitement to hatred and discrimination. Proved quilty

Most troubling
Visited Benjamin Netanyahu in december after The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant against Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant last month.
Friend of Victor Orban president of Hungary
Friend of Benjamin Netanyahu
Fanboy of Donald Trump president elect of the U.S.A.
Moral leader of The Netherlands

This post can be seen as ironic comment.

Meaning according to dictionary and me;
irony, mockery: life’s ironies the contradictions of life