Starting April 14 |19.30 – 22.00h| the School of Ideals starts in Zwolle in my studio at the Rieteweg 10. Here I guide you from aspiring idealist to practical idealist.
In my work as a visual artist, I basically do nothing else but provide an outlet for my thoughts and seek a form for my ideals. Sometimes it extends beyond art. Like right now…
Recently I became one of the teachers at the Idealenschool, the practice school for ideals. The Idealenschool is an initiative of Johannes van den Akker and Suzan Doodeman (De Ceuvel, Amsterdam) and it takes place in 6 cities in the Netherlands and Belgium including Zwolle and to be precise, in my studio at the Rieteweg 10.
Over the course of six evenings you move from an idea to an ideal to an action. As an experienced idealist and now as a tutor, I want to set people in motion. I provide inspiring examples from my own practice and use handy tools to map out the ideals and the steps involved. At the end of the course you will have discovered what your ideal is and how you can contribute to it from your talent and possibilities.
The Zwolle course starts April 14 of 2025
from 7:30 – 10:00 p.m.
Meeting 1- revolves around: Observing Very Closely and Everything Is Possible in the second meeting, meeting 3 and 4 are about Experiment in the 5th meeting you go from experiment to reality in Make it Happen and in week 6 We Celebrate the Result.
All dates at a glance
April 1- 14 – Observing Very Closely
April 2- 28 – Everything Is Possible
3- May 12 – Do An Experiment 1
4- May 28 – Do An Experiment 2
June 5 – 16 – Make It Happen
more info @ https://idealenschool.nl/
Other locations:
Amsterdam: Suzan Doodeman, Johannes van den Akker and Ellen Jansen
Lelystad: Jakob Stolk
Twente: Veerle Huyers and Joyce
Utrecht: Judith Duijzer-Smouter
Amersfoort: Chris Rijksen
Groningen: Joanne Boonstra
Or even in Belgium; Gent: Pascaline Louwagie
Disclaimer: in order to start the Ideals School I need a minimum of 5 to 6 registrations, if there are not enough registrations, this series of classes will be cancelled and you will get your money back. Then there may be a new round of enrollment in the fall of 2025.
If you have any questions to Marit call 06 20661723|| Questions to Idealenschool Amsterdam:0644648329 | suzan@hoedanwel.nl