In cooperation with: the Salvation Army, W&G Overijssel and Annemarie van der Veen. Concept:In own management. Working area: Experimenterium > art> labour> diversity> social> sustainability. Location: Salvation Army Zwolle

Takemebag first came to light several years ago in collaboration with Anne Marie van der Veen (Kunstzinnig Textiel). Read more about Takemebag 1.0 here:

In 2018, the Takemebag project evolved into Takmebag 0.2. Experimenterium, a collaboration with The Salvation Army W&G Overijssel.
We further developed the circular project and added a social component. A component that in addition to reuse offered both artists and people distant from the labor market a special stepping stone. In Collaboration with Annemiek de Wolf, director of the Salvation Army, Zwolle,
The Pilot: Artist Chantall Heerink was offered a free workspace from March 2018 to April 2019 by the Salvation Army, in the 50|50 Workcentre on Marsweg, Zwolle.
The Takemebag 2.0 Experimenterium: Her quid pro quo was the development of designs for utensils or an elaboration of an (applied) artistic concept. Chatall chose to reuse textiles (old flag fabric). Game Objects made of fabric. Work instructions where made and given. The Salvation Army participants could make the objects under supervision. Later on they worked also independently. In addition, there was every opportunity for the artist to work autonomously.
How was the Takemebag 2.0. project structured and what partners were involved

What is 50|50? 50|50 is an initiative of the Salvation Army to let people with a large distance to the labor market ‘participate’ again. Working on restoration of ordinary life, with outflow to a sustainable place in work and society is central.
Discover Talent: The Salvation Army believes that everyone deserves a place in society. Therefore, the 50|50 Workcenter wants to offer participants on the edge of society, a wide range of activities to let them discover their talents. Participants regain perspective and gain work experience.

Input and request for help ROVA – ROVA is a waste management company and works largely on behalf of various municipalities in Overijssel. ROVA’s policy in the coming years focuses on reusing textile waste, especially cotton, because cotton causes many environmental problems.
Upcycling: The ROVA supplies used textiles for the Salvation Army. In the Takemebag 2.0 project: beautiful utensils are made from them.

The Takemebag 2,0 project from design to production –
The 50|50 Workcenter on the Marsweg in Zwolle offers an artist a workshop in the production hall free of charge. The artist designs a new circular product In return.
This runs by the name Takemebag 2.0 Experimenterium

Value creation – The value created by this project is multiple. The participants of the Salvation Army can create new purposes and ambitions.In addition being valued for their contribution. Another value is the environmental benefit of reusing cotton.
Benefits for the artist: This project offers a free workspace and an outlet for new designs.
Benefits for the Salvation Army, a cooperation with artists can result in new ways of guiding participants in their return to ‘normal‘ life. Exploring others, and new working and thinking modes is generally enriching. This project offers added value for all parties.
watch back to theme night ‘ Club Cele’ – Cafe