Villa Palestrina

Villa Palestrina

Community art project on the side facade of the Elvis building, Palestrinalaan, Muziekwijk Holtenbroek, Zwolle. Commissioned by Travers and SWZ, in collaboration with Jacomijn Schellevis, 2004.

Villa Palestrina - Detail
Villa Palestrina – Detail

The Elvis Flat had to be renovated and the outer wall re-clad with an insulating outer wall. This renovation was seized upon for a large-scale art project with the children of the Music District. The facade ended up with a mural 13 meters high and 9 meters wide on the theme of world music.

The neighborhood of Holtenbroek is a multicultural one, with a total of more than 76 different nationalities living there. Holtenbroek was a disadvantaged neighborhood with social issues. One of those challenges was how to improve the social cohesion and participation of the residents and the quality of life.

For that reason, Travers and the housing corporations SWZ and deltaWonen were particularly active in the neighborhood and close collaborations between all parties involved were created. During this period the neighborhood was in transition and the Holtenbroek community center was a place where many initiatives took shape.

Villa Palesterina - werkproces
Villa Palesterina – werkproces

I have done many projects with Travers in Zwolle but particularly in Holtenbroek I have been active for years with after-school activities and art projects. With this participation project we aimed to provide the children of the neighborhood with a sense of pride, pride in their own home, but especially pride in their own achievements.

Holtenbroek is also called the music district, which is why the theme of music was leading in the assignment. In addition, music is universal and unifying. Neighbors can easily recognize or find themselves in the colorful image that was created. More than a list of children’s drawings, it is a symbol of fraternization, communication and diversity.

Villa Palestrina - workforce
Villa Palestrina – workforce

In 13 meetings, the children first developed ideas, drew and sketched in the Holtenbroek community center. We processed the sketches into a composition and provided a color plan.

We then moved to a temporary workspace in Dieze Oost (Pieter Steynstraat) to paint the 30 (then separate panels) with all the children and by hand. These panels were later attached to the side wall of the Elvis flat and festively unveiled.


Neighborhood residents can easily recognize or find themselves in the colorful image that was created. More than a list of children’s drawings, it is a symbol of fraternization, communication and diversity.

How it came about: In 13 meetings, the children first developed ideas, drew and sketched in the Holtenbroek community center. We processed the sketches into a composition and provided a color plan. We then moved to a temporary workshop in Dieze Oost (Pieter Steynstraat) to paint the 30 (then separate panels) with all the children and by hand. These panels were later attached to the side wall of the Elvis flat and festively unveiled.

De kinderen aan het werk. Locatie voor het schilderen van de panelen was een lege ruimte op de begane grond aan de Pieter Steynstraat, Zwolle.
De kinderen aan het werk. Locatie voor het schilderen van de panelen was een lege ruimte op de begane grond aan de Pieter Steynstraat, Zwolle.
Villa Palestrina - proces
Villa Palestrina – proces