Last Gatekeepers Of Lost Revolutions is shortlisted

(Nederlandse versie)

Wonderful news, my painting ‘ Last Gatekeepers Of Lost Revolutions’ has been shortlisted in the Singulart International Women’s Day 2025 Award!

The jury states that it stands out with its unique perspective on the theme of (female) Bravery.

Acryl op canvas 100/150 cm

About the work itself:
Hovering female figures spreading their arms wide open and floating around. They are jumping and moving simultaneously. They are clearly present and strong. The last gatekeepers is referring to a world where young men, the proverbial sons, are sent to war by other men. This is why, I believe, when women rule, wars will end. No mother in her right mind will ever send her child voluntarily to a war, any war.

Last Gatekeepers Of Lost Revolutions is part of the Metropolitan series and is currently on display in Bruxelles handled by Bernice, Art Rental and Gallery in Temse.

Check this work at;

More about the Metropolitan series:

Anxious to hear the final verdict, I’ll keep you posted!

Sold ‘Turist’

Happy to report that my painting “Turist” found a new and very loving home this week. Sold to an art enthusiast from Zwolle and it fits beautifully there.

Blij te melden dat mijn schilderij ‘Turist’ deze week een nieuw en heel fijn thuis heeft gevonden. Ze is verkocht aan een Zwolse kunstliefhebber en het hangt er prachtig.

Turist - Acryl op canvas 180 x 100 cm 2023 - Brave New World series.
Turist – Acryl op canvas 180 x 100 cm

In Our Nature 2024

(klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie)

Hereby I present my latest painting to you.

In Our Nature – 2024

Acrylic on canvas

70 x 70 cm

Part of the Side show series

In Our Nature 2024- Acrylic on canvas- part of the Side Show series
In Our Nature 2024- Acrylic on canvas- part of the Side Show series

The blue letters on a paper bag smiled at me from the roadside, It has been there for a while, at least a few days. Yet it hasn’t been so long that either the blue is discoloured or the bag half-decayed. It still looks fresh. Next to the bag, scraps of what was probably a burger. A piece of grey matter in yellow-pink goo hangs bloodlessly from a white bag, with green limp lettuce leaves and a sliver of tomato as irrefutable evidence of knowledge of good nutricion. A pair of soulless and limp fries stick out of a bright red cardboard container. A striped straw protrudes triumphantly from a large white cup with plastic cap which combined with the red tray of fainted fries gives a festive look. What a happy meal this must have been. 

Everywhere I look I find these silent testimonies of feeding frenzy that apparently had to take place then and there and that after a big burp of pleasure suddenly became too much. Was it too heavy on the stomach to move what was left just an inch? 

Evidently, that which was picked up, wheeled around and nibbled on full of desire and gluttony had to be disassociated from as soon as possible, immediately in fact. 

Those who love blue letters can move from A to B while scrabbling. Those less fond of it see mostly a correlation.

Insomnia [a bed piece about bed peace]

(klik hier voor Nederlandse versie)

I hereby proudly present my latest painting to you

Insomnia- [ a bed piece about bed peace ] 2024 – part of the Brave New World series.

Insomnia(a bed piece about bed peace)- Acryl op canvas
155 x 90 cm
Insomnia(a bed piece about bed peace)-Acryl op canvas- 155 x 90 cm- 2024

This canvas took me a while. The messy bedding, duvet and wrinkled sheets forced me to look closely and study what was actually happening there in that fabric. I saw so much detail, hue differences in grey tones, fold lines, creases and bulges that had almost human traits, that there was practically no way out. In the second instance, I chose to leave out a lot of detail again, by erasing it. The turmoil in the image depicts my own turmoil from a while ago. This is my reckoning with that period.

2023- Haunting thoughts kept me awake during a period of 3 months. The thought of haunting thoughts kept me awake. The fear of the thoughts of the haunting thoughts kept me awake and made me anxious to go to bed. 

Tossing and turning, it seemed a never ending attempt to silence my restless heart. Tried [too] hard to ignore noises of wind blowing, cats on roof, a car starting, a street conversation, a train passing, a party in the distance, even the comforting respiration of my man and the snoring of my cat. I hold my heart and belly as my breath is too high up and going too fast. 

My eyes wide shut. 

Hoping to shut the flow of insecure and sad voices within.

A glance at the alarm clock tells me that it’s four AM. 

I scare myself.

All I ever really wanted was peace, peace of mind, peace of heart, bed peace.

and I finally found it,

for now.

Blue Eyed Blues

(voor Nederlands, scroll naar beneden)

I hereby present my latest artwork, Blue Eyed Blues, to you

Acryl op canvas – 62 x 62 cm 2024

Blue Eyed Blues -acrylic on canvas 51 x 51 cm - 2024
Blue Eyed Blues -acrylic on canvas 51 x 51 cm – 2024

A pile of dishes. A mix of plates, inherited from my grandmother, a Japanese Bowl and a hard plastic watercup accidentally add up to what appears to be a gazing blue eye, that’s wide open and sees all. Could things have souls? According to some they have.

This artwork is part of the Side Show series.

More about the Side Show series:

Blue Eyed Blues

Hierbij presenteer ik jullie mijn nieuwste kunstwerk, Blue Eyed Blues.

Acryl op canvas – 62 x 62 cm 2024

Een stapel servies. Een mix van borden, geërfd van mijn grootmoeder, een Japanse kom en een hard plastic waterbakje vormen samen per toeval wat lijkt op een starend blauw oog, dat wijd open staat en alles ziet. Zouden dingen een ziel hebben? Volgens sommigen wel.

Dit kunstwerk is onderdeel van de Side Show series.

Meer hierover:

Side Show

Acrylic on canvas
62 x 62 cm

From the Side Show series (formerly Post Hoc).

Two silhouettes outlined on a red and white background. A shadow a specter, the negative from the positive. The sun as artist and the nearly absent body as brush.

62 x 62 cm - From the Brave New World series
62 x 62 cm – From the Brave New World series

Side Show

Acryl op doek

62 x 62 cm


Uit de Side Show serie (voorheen Post Hoc)

Twee silhouetten tegen een rood witte achtergrond. Een schaduw een schim, het negatief van het positief. De zon als kunstenaar het bijna afwezige lichaam als kwast.

Virgin Screens 02 – Green

(Scroll naar beneden voor Nederlands)

I hereby present my latest painting ‘Virgin Screens 02 – Green’

Acrylic on canvas 

150 x 100cm

Part of the Brave New World series

In a green space, green screens hang casually in front of and over each other. Here every possible thought can be projected and every imagination can become reality.  A space where everything can happen at once. The past, the future and the present, like Einstein’s theory, captured in one entity, our universe. Overwhelming and comforting in equal measure.

Virgin Screen - Green 2024- schilderij
Virgin Screen – Green 2024

Virgin Screens 02 – Green

Bij deze presenteer ik mijn laatste schilderij ‘Virgin Screens 02 – Green’

Acryl op doek 

150 x 100cm

Uit de Brave New World series

In een groene ruimte hangen groene schermen nonchalant voor en over elkaar. Hier kan elke mogelijke gedachte worden geprojecteerd en kan elke verbeelding werkelijkheid worden.  Een ruimte waar alles tegelijk kan gebeuren. Het verleden, de toekomst en het heden, zoals de theorie van Einstein, gevangen in één entiteit, ons universum. Overweldigend en troostend tegelijkertijd.

Expositie Floreren

(for English scroll down)

De nieuwe expositie Floreren van MicksArt Collectief is gisteren geopend. Hier ook recent werk van mij te bewonderen. Mocht je in de buurt zijn of niet in de buurt maar gewoon nieuwsgierig naar deze bijzondere plek in Emmen en naar mijn werk en het werk van de vele andere kunstenaars, gewoon gaan kijken is mijn advies.

Deze expositie loopt van 21 januari tot eind maart (2024)

Meer info:

Exhibition Florish

MicksArt Collective’s new exhibition Flourishing opened yesterday. Here also recent work of mine can be admired. If you are in the neighborhood or not in the neighborhood but just curious about this special place in Emmen and about my work and the work of many other artists, simply visit it is my recommendation.

This exhibition runs from Jan. 21 to the end of March (2024).