(for English scroll down)

Mijn schilderijen; (RE)Volver, Confusion, Original Thoughts en Metropolieten uit de serie Metropolieten en de beelden; Saviour Machine, Beast en Blou Blauw worden nog twee maanden extra geëxposeerd in de expositie IMAGINE, wellicht op andere wijze gepresenteerd.

Van 27 augustus tot 22 oktober , dagelijks geopend van 10 tot 17u.

Opening 27 augustus door Marc Stuart

Expositie IMAGINE
Micks Art Gallery
Kapitein Grantstraat 24
7821 AR Emmen


(English )


My paintings; (RE)Volver, Confusion, Original Thoughts and Metropolites from the series Metropolites and the sculptures; Saviour Machine, Beast and Blou Blue will be exhibited for an additional two months in the exhibition IMAGINE, perhaps presented differently.

From 27 August to 22 October , open daily from 10am to 5pm.

Opening 27 August by Marc Stuart

Exhibition IMAGINE
Micks Art Gallery
Captain Grantstraat 24
7821 AR Emmen