R.O.T. (Remains Of Today) selections 1 t/m 9.

(voor Nederlands scroll naar beneden)

The selection now covers 9 variations: Red – Black – Yellow- Black 02 – Blue – Black 03, Pink – Black 04 and Green.

Red – Black and Yellow are on display during PROTO, Zwolle in the auditorium of the Stadkamer. PROTO runs from June 26-30, 2024 but the works will stay longer.

More about Remains Of Today: https://maritotto.nl/remainsoftoday/
More about the R.O.T. selections: https://maritotto.nl/r-o-t-selections/

R.O.T. 01 _09 2024 -Remains Of Today 2024.
R.O.T. 01 _09 – Remains Of Today 2024.


Inmiddels beslaat de selectie 9 variaties: Red – Black – Yellow- Black 02 – Blue – Black 03, Pink – Black 04 en Green.

Red – Black en Yellow hangen tijdens PROTO, Zwolle in de grote zaal van de Stadkamer. Proto is van vanaf 26 t/m 30 juni 2024 maar het werk blijft langer hangen.

Meer over Remains Of Today: https://maritotto.nl/remainsoftoday/
Meer over de R.O.T. selections: https://maritotto.nl/r-o-t-selections/