Community Art

Community Art projects. I did various community art projects in Zwolle, Deventer (see public space) and Zaandam (see special groups). The key question was to improve social cohesion in the neighbourhood or district in which the art was the instrument. Self-esteem and pride were the keywords.

Community Art projecten. Ik diverse community art projecten gedaan in Zwolle, Deventer (zie openbare ruimte) en Zaandam (zie speciale groepen). De centrale vraag die daarbij centraal stond was het verbeteren van de sociale cohesie in de wijk of buurt en kunst was hierbij het middel. Eigenwaarde en trots waren de sleutelwoorden.

Villa Palestrina- Elvisflat -Palestrinalaan - Holtenbroek Zwolle. Drone foto SWZ 2024
Villa Palestrina- Elvisflat -Palestrinalaan – Holtenbroek Zwolle. Drone foto gemaakt door de SWZ.

Projecten/ Projects